Monday, April 19, 2021

The Whitest Paint Is Here & It’s the Coolest – Could Help Curb Global Warming

"Using high-accuracy temperature reading equipment called thermocouples, the researchers demonstrated outdoors that the paint can keep surfaces 19 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than their ambient surroundings at night. It can also cool surfaces 8 degrees Fahrenheit below their surroundings under strong sunlight during noon hours.

The paint’s solar reflectance is so effective, it even worked in the middle of winter. During an outdoor test with an ambient temperature of 43 degrees Fahrenheit, the paint still managed to lower the sample temperature by 18 degrees Fahrenheit."

"Cool" concept...but does that last sentence actually mean the temperature dropped well below freezing?

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CATL's sodium hybrid battery will be 30% cheaper & revolutionise the world

Very cool…but it’s Chinese. Grr.