Friday, April 2, 2021

How Scientists Used Ultrasound to Read Monkeys’ Minds


flashgordon said...

"People swarm everywhere, talking of incomprehensible matters, in hovels, streets and square, marketplaces, and crossroads. When I ask how many oboloi I have to pay, they answer with hairsplitting arguments about the born and the unborn. If I inquire the price of bread, I am told that the father is greater than the son. I call a servant to tell me whether my bath is ready; he rejoins that the son was created out of nothing."

Even a Christian Bishop back in like 400 A.D. was struck by this type of evasive logic he was seeing in the city of Constantinople. I've been noticing this type of fear and evasive language a lot. Here's kind of a first official blog post about it,

I've made many after both seeing it in fiction like "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" and in real world examples. I'm thinking I had made some previous blog posts about parlay in "Pirates of the Carribean". People are always making a deal, or parlaying. They can't just have a straight up scientific conversation.

Also, The Day the Earth Stood Still(original 1951 movie - also, the same director directed Andromeda Strain and then the first Star Trek movie!) where the alien says "yes, I am concerned when people substitute fear for reason." People are always saying the word fear, but do they really understand it? I feel all this evidence of evasive language is proof!

Anyways, I"ve been into all these brain/computer interfaces for these reasons. I've been keeping track all these brain/computer interfaces in the replies section. Also, I've been thinking A.I.; but, none seem to grok what I'm saying. They all seem to be oblivious to fear and irrationality!

I mean I went at a Mary Lou Jepsen pretty hard, and she's just . . . evasive. She has a company, openwater, which uses holograms and lasers to peer into the body. She seems to want to avoid any kind of brain/computer interface talk. But, I've found someone else, who apparently will come out with a product in a month or to - Kernel -

The founder of Kernel is kind of interesting - Bryan Johnson. A guy who went down to South America to spread religion. He came back an atheist. I keep hearing this one. Dan Barker of the Freedom from Religion Foundation did much the same. Maybe we should send all christians down there?

flashgordon said...

I meant to say that A.I. and computer/brain interfaces can be a force for fighting what I like to half jokingly call "the Dark side of the force." All this evasive logic which people use to keep from facing facts/logic.

CATL's sodium hybrid battery will be 30% cheaper & revolutionise the world

Very cool…but it’s Chinese. Grr.