Wednesday, August 23, 2023

No AI Can Learn the Art of Medicine

But let’s be clear—practicing medicine is an art, and no technology can take away that fact. When facing patients themselves, human interaction with a doctor is vital. Patient satisfaction and shared decision-making will continue to rely heavily on this humanism. Medicine is a profession that still requires compassion, reassurance, and most importantly, empathy. Even with the advent and ongoing evolution of AI and other large language models, empathy is best learned and communicated in the form of bedside teaching by humans—not AI or chatbots.

I call horseshit on that. A.I. is already making huge inroads into all the arts, and in many cases doing it better than many professionals. And that’s NOW, when A.I. is just getting started. What do you want to bet A.I. won’t have a better bedside manner than any doctor within five years?

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