Wednesday, June 7, 2023

AI Singularity realistically by 2029: year-by-year milestones

Very interesting predictions here:

2023: Human-like NLU (DONE = GPT-4)

2023: Simple disembodied AGIs (independently can do real-world stuff, hints of DONE)

2024Mature NLU (hallucination & task iteration robustly solved)

2024Advanced disembodied AGIs (reliably, independently can do real-world stuff)

20251000s of androids are available for under $100K (minimally dexterous but decently conversational, barely beyond prototypes, but are able to learn some tasks)

2026: Earliest possible disembodied super intelligence-based AI Singularity(more likely around 2028)

2027Millions of androids available for under $50K (highly dexterous, perfect human-like intelligence, they can guess what to do most of the time, learn quickly and 1000s of App Store domain expertises are available)

2028: Earliest possible android-based AI Singularity (more likely around 2030)

2029: Tens of mIllions of near-super intelligent androids available for around $25K (advanced human-like in almost every way, they can build themselves)

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