I wouldn’t hesitate to try this:
Technology is advancing at an exponential rate often called the "Law of Accelerating Returns." If futurist predictions prove correct, we'll have advanced molecular manufacturing by around 2025, and possibly the replacement of humanity by vastly advanced machines a decade or two later.
This is a chronicle of our journey to that future, one advancing technology article at a time. I post the more significant and interesting articles as I come across them.
Very interesting predictions here:
“2023: Human-like NLU (DONE = GPT-4)
2023: Simple disembodied AGIs (independently can do real-world stuff, hints of DONE)
2024: Mature NLU (hallucination & task iteration robustly solved)
2024: Advanced disembodied AGIs (reliably, independently can do real-world stuff)
2025: 1000s of androids are available for under $100K (minimally dexterous but decently conversational, barely beyond prototypes, but are able to learn some tasks)
2026: Earliest possible disembodied super intelligence-based AI Singularity(more likely around 2028)
2027: Millions of androids available for under $50K (highly dexterous, perfect human-like intelligence, they can guess what to do most of the time, learn quickly and 1000s of App Store domain expertises are available)
2028: Earliest possible android-based AI Singularity (more likely around 2030)
2029: Tens of mIllions of near-super intelligent androids available for around $25K (advanced human-like in almost every way, they can build themselves)”