Sunday, April 30, 2017

Electric Vehicles Are on the Rise: Here’s How to Sustain Their Growth

If it weren't for California, Tesla and the Prius wouldn't exist:

The race to build the world’s first sex robot

Virtually EVERYONE will want a sexbot, or at least the spin-off servant robot, so the pressure to develop them will be relentless:

Regarding the critics at the end, just as cell phones, nuclear power and pretty much every other technology have changed society mostly for the better but also some for the worse, so to it will surely be with sex robots. Yeah, it's slavery...but it doesn't harm the slave in any way (until robots become sapient).

Friday, April 21, 2017

The best showcase of nanotechnology so far may be this race of tiny cars

Just as robot car competitions led us to the cusp of self-driving cars for the masses, so to perhaps this nanocar race could lead to efficient nanoscale transportation:

Torching the Modern-Day Library of Alexandria

As a writer who also values free information, I'm of two minds about this. But clearly having a freely accessible library that is the modern-day equivalent of the Library of Alexandria on steroids would be a boon to mankind, and destroying it would be a tragedy:

Elon Musk’s Neuralink wants to turn cloud-based AI into an extension of our brains

Here's the announcement:

And here is a loooooong but entertaining article on the evolution of thought and why Neuralink's goal is so significant:

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The Dark Secret at the Heart of AI

This is how Skynet came to be!

The first concern that came to my mind was what this could mean for uploading a human brain to a computer substrate, and the second was what this could mean for the prospect of copying A.I.s. Not knowing what's going on could perhaps make it impossible to implement these goals. That would suck.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Scientists Grafted Eyes onto a Blind Organism’s Back, and It Could See

Attaching functional eyes to a tadpole's tail:

It gives new meaning to the term hindsight....

Personal Jetpacks Are Here!

Not quite as impressive as the Martin Jetpack (, but this one is at least a "real" jet pack, and a lot smaller:

Magnetically storing a bit on a single atom — the ultimate future data storage

Finally, a one-atom bit...but just for a bit:

Detroit Is Stomping Silicon Valley in the Self-Driving Car Race

This is somewhat surprising. I suspect the self-driving developers will end up partnering with the car manufacturers:

MIT Engineers Develop New Technique for Highly Conductive Graphene Wafers

The 10-Second Algorithm That Could Unlock Fusion Energy