Wednesday, August 31, 2016

New analysis shows eastern US can handle 30 percent renewable electricity

"both Hawaii and California have set targets of 50 percent renewable energy by 2030. But, in an effort to keep the pace, New York recently announced that it, too, would be aiming to get to 50 percent renewables by that date."

Still not enough, but getting the grid to handle such intermittent sources of energy may be the sticking point.

Engineers Design a New Solar Cell That is More Efficient and Costs Less

"The team’s step-cell concept can reach theoretical efficiencies above 40 percent and estimated practical efficiencies of 35 percent."

‘Star in a jar’ could lead to limitless fusion energy

It's always 30 years away...but it would still be a great option to have in addition to solar and wind.

LEDs, Not Solar, Have Transformed Their Industry

"We expect the light output per unit of electricity for LEDs to double from 2015 to 2125 as efficiency gains continue."

Great, and the LED bulbs I bought five years ago are already obsolete, though they should last until 2030!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Offshore wind costs hit a record low with Dutch wind farm

"This is a major contribution to the Netherlands’ goal of 16% sustainable energy in 2023, states the Dutch government."

The part that I don't quite get is that despite these major developments, we're still talking projected sustainable energy percentages (both in this article and the Texas one before this) in the teens. I hope they are making the classical mistake of not taking into account the rapid economies of scale and technological improvement. Because we need to do a lot better than that over the next couple decades.

Offshore wind costs hit a record low with Dutch wind farm

"This is a major contribution to the Netherlands’ goal of 16% sustainable energy in 2023, states the Dutch government."

The part that I don't quite get is that despite these major developments, we're still talking projected sustainable energy percentages (both in this article and the Texas one before this) in the teens. I hope they are making the classical mistake of not taking into account the rapid economies of scale and technological improvement. Because we need to do a lot better than that over the next couple decades.

How Texas Raised the Bar on Renewable Energy

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Big data, Google and the end of free will

The humanism argument's a bit weak, but the rest is interesting. It ties well into David Brin's "The Transparent Society," which argues that privacy will soon disappear due to impending technological advances:

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Half A Billion Solar Panels By 2021: U.S. Army Makes It Look Easy

Utilities Fighting Lower Electric Bill Zombie Apocalypse

"What is obviously missing in EEI’s perspective is a utility’s obligation to keep bills low in the face of competition just like businesses not protected by regulators and legislators."

Monday, August 1, 2016

Scientists invent a way to create CO2 fuel from a solar leaf

"The result: an artificial leaf that turns CO2  into fuel, "at a cost comparable to a gallon of gasoline" could render fossil fuel obsolete, according to the researchers."

Can We Reverse Aging? Scientists Uncover a Key “Zombie Cell” Pathway