Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Photonic Chip Breakthrough Opens a Path Toward Quantum Computing in Real-World Conditions



flashgordon said...

i don't suppose you've seen the latest cerebras news?


any of these articles will do -

flashgordon said...

Alright, my cat finally got off of me. So, Cerebras has hooked up 190+ of their 2.6 trillion transistor chips, to be able to create 120 trillion parameter A.I. models. They consider these equivalent to the computing power of a human brain(actually just a big larger; in fact, I'm thinking this is just the beginning. They can probably create even bigger A.I. models).

flashgordon said...

you got a problem?

Derek Mathias said...

No, I have a lot of problems. I’m in the process of selling almost everything I own, including my house, and moving to Germany. I am busy, busy, busy! Very little time to get any of the work I actually enjoy done.

flashgordon said...

Hello Derek - Sounds like you really want to move to Germany! I know they've got great cottages and such. I'm back and forth about their cuisine. But, just about everything else in Europe is fairly close by.

I'm finding a lot of atheists who can't handle biblical criticism. And, I post at a Buccaneers off-topic messageboard about all the latest science and technology. I try to show that there's something else to think about than politics. And, like I've tried to talk to Christine Peterson, or the Foresight Institute. She kicked me out of the foresight facebook page after I posted my gospel of truth. I've tried emailing her at her facebook. The last thing I shared was Isaac Asimov's Nightfall,

This one - Nightfall by Isaac Asimov - X Minus One (Hard Sci-Fi, Audio Drama), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRJO4dYZ4NQ&t=482s

and she banned me from there.

I've been finding lots about evasive language that those who are fear use. This is what I consider my first official blog post about it - http://wwwscientifichumanism.blogspot.com/2015/06/astro-picture-for-day-sophie-and-silas.html

So, when I see silences, I'm starting to wonder. There was a lull in your posting the latest science and technology a month or so ago after the protein folding prediction software. I tried to be patient there and not assume. And, as it turned out, you eventually posted a day before I was going to see if your o.k. or something else was wrong.

Well, I hope you enjoy yourself in Germany!

Derek Mathias said...

Thanks, I'm looking forward to the change...although NOT the winters.

Hmm, if you're getting banned, it may be your approach. It may be too aggressive? Fanatical-sounding? It's easy to be misunderstood online, after all.

flashgordon said...

Hello Derek,

Not looking forward to the winters? I have a Sri Lankan facebook friend who is studying mathematics at Gottingen right now. She's posted doing angels in the snow there. We had a pretty long talk about that a few months ago. I was telling her how I lived in New Mexico(specifically W.S.M.R. - White Sands Missle Range in the 80's. New Mexico was good for warm summers and snow covered winters. Some places like Sri Lanka never get snow. Some places get more than snow; they get rainy summers like Washington State. Washington State, and even Canada gets some blue skies; but, still not quite that good balance. Well, I guess on to might battle with science types who can't take biblical criticism.

All I did in the foresight institute facebook page was post one edition of my Gospel of Truth - something like this, and certainly not my latest -


I posted a previous edition; but, it's not that different. She asked me some questions of what I'm trying to do, and I said something to the affect of trying to get to the truth before the nano-era comes. She said, "you can post here"(and not at the main foresight institute facebook page where people are posting the latest science and technology news. And, I started emailing her at her personal page examples of crazy extremists that I see at this Pewter Report off topic messageboard - one guy called "One Truth". The Chrisitans, as I'd think you'd know like to say god/jesus is truth. And, I emailed her a thread of his, and stuff like that. And ,the last thing I shared was the Isaac Asimov Nightfall, and she changed her personal facebook settingsx so people and me can't email her there!

Well, I found some, I think of what I tried to share with Eric Drexler. It was the rough draft of a paper I tried to make for an English 120 class.


I don't feel like it's the whole paper. I see like four rough drafts before it I tried to get him to comment on it. I just skimmed it. I can see some things are outdated or naive ideas here and there. But, I don't see how Eric Drexler and Chris PHoenix can get sooo . . . . ooooo alarmed about it!

I feel like this was not all of it. I remember trying to show how mathematics is the holistic view. That in mathematics you make concepts that are not over/under generalizations, and you question assumptions. And, that most people make incomplete conceptions and reason from assumptions that are not questioned.

I remember trying to explain to Chris PHoenix that people are conditioned, and that they refuse to question their beliefs, and the only way to deal with them is to go to space. And, he replied with some word that means exterminating people. That was bullshit. I went to Eric Drexler, who replied with a violent reply. I got rid of it.

All I've been doing is trying to talk about irrationality, and these guys can't handle it.

flashgordon said...

no thoughts? hot potato?

Derek Mathias said...

I'm pretty sure it's not that they can't handle it, just that they don't have the time, interest or inclination to respond, and it's easier to just ban someone they may perceive as attempting to get too chummy with them about what is to them an irrelevant topic. Keep in mind, they have full plates with their own work to deal with. That's my guess.

CATL's sodium hybrid battery will be 30% cheaper & revolutionise the world

Very cool…but it’s Chinese. Grr. https://youtu.be/h74Xj-WWwBc?si=mgYbSTTLUxVixZQV