Wednesday, August 29, 2018

How China Is Quickly Becoming an AI Superpower

Ugh. Looks like the US lead in AI is about to go bye-bye bigly:


flashgordon said...

You can blame Bill Joy, Eric Drexler and the Foresight Institute(Christine Peterson) for that. - We enjoyed Star Trek, but we didn't really think science rationality age would come; we thought that was just for storyline!

- I wouldn't mind China becoming the worlds superpower, if they just understand scientific humanism(which, once again, U.S. scientists don't; Bertrand Russel once expressed disappointment to the general scientists reaction to his "A History of Western Philosophy."

flashgordon said...

Let me explain China in another way. The scientific spirit of the space exploration is to learn about ourselves, the biologi and geology and even astronomy. China goes to space for military and economic reasons.

Now, the scientific spirit for space exploration also goes for an economic reason; but, this is a scientific reason of asteroid collisions, economy going down, and I'd put in to overcome anti-science. China just goes for themselves and to make more money.

The U.S. and so called Western world scientists are going a christian version. Try telling Eric Drexler, Chris Peterson, Bill Joy, and Ray Kurzweil that christianity is anti-science, or point out that Jesus Christ is a ploy to give them a free pass on their sins. Try telling them that humanity is irrational, and you'll be met with violence and gangster behaviors.

Derek Mathias said...

Of all the world’s cultures, China appeals to me among the least. It’s a combination of the homogeneity, treatment of animals, 1984 surveillance, human rights abuses, sneaky foreign policy, copyright violations, even the sound of their language. Their reasons for pursuing AI doesn’t help.

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