Sunday, October 29, 2017

Technology That Sucks CO2 From Ambient Air is Already Used Commercially in Switzerland and Iceland

This needs to scale, but it's a brilliant solution (at least until we have advanced nanotech to do the job even more efficiently and larger scale):


flashgordon said...

"to capture 1% of global emissions by 2025" . . . "This could offset the annual carbon footprint of 375 average Americans."

Hopefully, this catches on. It probably will. But, nanomanufacturing will happen sooner!

Derek Mathias said...

Since the 1980s, the predicted date for advanced nanotech has been 2025. There’s not a lot of time left, so I’m a bit concerned. OTOH the Human Genome Project was at 1% completed just seven years before it was 100% completed, so...

Cheap Catalyst Made Out of Sugar Has the Power To Destroy CO2