Thursday, March 16, 2017

Kurzweil Claims That the Singularity Will Happen by 2029

Kurzweil has been criticized for predicting that the technological singularity will occur around 2045. This article says he's now saying computers will reach human parity in 2029. However, achieving human-level intelligence in machines and reaching the singularity are evidently two very different things to Kurzweil, since he's been saying BOTH these things for many years now:

From Wikipedia's summary of 2005's The Singularity is Near:

"This decade [the 2020s] also marks the revolution in Robotics (Strong AI), as an AI is expected to pass the Turing test by the last year of the decade (2029), meaning it can pass for a human being (though the first A.I. is likely to be the equivalent of an average, educated human). What follows then will be an era of consolidation in which nonbiological intelligence will undergo exponential growth (Runaway AI), eventually leading to the extraordinary expansion contemplated by the Singularity, in which human intelligence is multiplied by billions by the mid-2040s."

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