Sunday, January 26, 2025

SMART Tokamak Ignites Fusion Revolution With First Plasma

Scientists Discover Promising Molecule That Restores Cognitive Function in Early Alzheimer’s

"After testing the effect of the drug WIN55.212-2, which interacts with cannabinoid receptors, on rodents in the early stages of the disease, the team found “that they behaved in the same way as those without brain damage: they learned and remembered spatial orientation in the same way,” explained Marta Moreno. “You could say that in some way the drug reversed the damage or protected the brain.”"

Scientists Have Proven It’s Possible to Bring a Dead Brain ‘Back to Life’—But There’s a Catch

So it looks like we're on the way to creating Frankenstein's monster or perhaps a "brain in a jar" that can be fed sensory perception of the real or a virtual world:

Cutting-edge technology: AI robots made in Germany

Germany is finally stepping into the game, which it really should, considering its engineering and manufacturing prowess:

Monday, January 20, 2025

Unitree G1 Bionic: Agile Upgrade

Unitree is ugly and it’s Chinese, but it costs only $16,000 and can actually run over the same hilly, rough terrain Optimus can only navigate walking:

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) is imminent - Cognitive Hyper Abundance is coming

Oh yeah, we are indeed on that wild ride up the dogleg to the technological singularity. So this is what it feels like. I’ve wondered about that for decades now…and it’s here, right on schedule.

DOE Scientists Uncover Massive Potential: Floating Solar Panels Could Power 100 Million Homes

Researchers STUNNED As AI Improves ITSELF Towards Superintelligence "OpenAI have 'broken out'..."

Once AI can improve on its own design, there’s really no stopping the run up to true ASI:

Longevity Breakthrough: Scientists Restore “Youthful” Enzyme Activity To Combat Aging

From Cold Sores to Memory Loss: The Herpes-Alzheimer’s Connection Unveiled

Oh, terrific:

100x Faster: Light-Powered Memory That’s Revolutionizing Computing

Can We Reverse Aging? Scientists Uncover a Key “Zombie Cell” Pathway