Extremely interesting if true:
Technology is advancing at an exponential rate often called the "Law of Accelerating Returns." If futurist predictions prove correct, we'll have advanced molecular manufacturing by around 2025, and possibly the replacement of humanity by vastly advanced machines a decade or two later.
This is a chronicle of our journey to that future, one advancing technology article at a time. I post the more significant and interesting articles as I come across them.
I’d love to see this:
“Dr. Adewuyi said abnormal levels of cholesterol were shown to be a risk for both AD and gut disorders.”
This is an investor come-on, but it has some useful info:
More bizarreness from the quantum world:
Bad and good-ish news:
Similar to the Jetpack (?), only far too light on details:
I’ve loved this concept ever since I heard about it in the 1980s: