Saturday, April 23, 2022

For mRNA, Covid Vaccines Are Just the Beginning

"Dozens of clinical trials are now underway for new forms of the mRNA vaccine—targeting everything from malaria to Zika, herpes, and cytomegalovirus. Last month, Moderna—which was founded in 2014 to explore the potential of mRNA—announced it had started Phase I clinical trials for two mRNA-based HIV vaccines."

"It’s true that mRNA vaccines would probably have come to market eventually, but they were on what Dieffenbach calls “a leisurely stroll.” Covid “pressure-tested” them—advancing their emergence by years or decades."

"If the logistical and technical hurdles can be overcome, and the technology can be distributed evenly, mRNA has the potential to transform every strand of medicine. “In the next 10 years, you will see unbelievable progress,” she says."

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Endocrinologist Discovers Potential New Ways To Prevent Cognitive Decline From Alzheimer’s Disease

I’d like to know what this means, though. I take omega-3 fatty acid supplements:

It has been proven that APOE4 oxidizes omega-3s and that low levels of the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. In earlier studies, Yassine’s team found that cognitively healthy participants who took omega-3 supplements had 200 percent more DHA in their blood compared to the control group and 28 percent more in the cerebrospinal fluid, a measure of brain uptake. However, APOE4 carriers had lower increases in brain DHA and EPA than non-carriers after supplementation.

Capturing Solar Energy and Converting It to Electricity When Needed – Up to 18 Years Later

The Swedish researchers sent their specially designed molecule, loaded with solar energy, to colleagues Tao Li and Zhiyu Hu at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, where the energy was released and converted into electricity using the generator they developed there. Essentially, Swedish sunshine was sent to the other side of the world and converted into electricity in China.

Small HDL “Good Cholesterol” Particles May Help Protect Against Alzheimer’s Disease

Friday, April 8, 2022

Revamped design could take powerful biological computers from the test tube to the cell

Startup Says It’s Created an Actual “Invisibility Shield”

Very impressive:

Cellular 'Rejuvenation' Experiment in Mice Reverses Signs of Aging, Scientists Say

"Although this technique can be used to turn adult cells back into stem cells, the current team had previously shown it can also be used to 'partially reprogram' the cells by reverting them into a more youthful state, but not completely becoming a stem cell again. If the same thing were done to enough cells in an animal's body, this could potentially make the whole organism's body clock seem younger."

Key Protein Identified That Could Be Harnessed to Extend Healthy Lifespan in Humans

Quantum Gravity Sensor Breakthrough Paves Way for Groundbreaking Map of World Under Earth’s Surface

Breakthrough discovery in light interactions with nanoparticles paves the way for advances in optical computing

Transistors Reach Tipping Point At 3nm

DeepMind scientists say they trained an A.I. to control a nuclear fusion reactor

Breakthrough Discovery of New Model for “Global” DNA Repair

“Time Jump” by 30 Years: Old Skins Cells Reprogrammed To Regain Youthful Function

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Inside Epic's Unreal Engine 5—and What It Means for the Future of Gaming, Movies, and the Metaverse

Wow. The photorealism is here, truly indistinguishable from real life. Now they just have to develop an interface that makes it simple to create without a huge learning curve.

(Watch the video of the carpenter’s cellar toward the bottom.)

Can We Reverse Aging? Scientists Uncover a Key “Zombie Cell” Pathway