Tuesday, December 29, 2020

All Dark Matter in the Universe Could Be Primordial Black Holes – Formed From the Collapse of Baby Universes Soon After the Big Bang

"The first HSC observations have already reported a very intriguing candidate event consistent with a PBH [primordial black hole] from the “multiverse,” with a black hole mass comparable to the mass of the Moon. Encouraged by this first sign, and guided by the new theoretical understanding, the team is conducting a new round of observations to extend the search and to provide a definitive test of whether PBHs from the multiverse scenario can account for all dark matter."


Friday, December 4, 2020

Shadow Robot: AI Algorithms Bring Robot Hands One Step Closer to Human

This is how you rapidly improve robot performance:

Rapid Mental Rejuvenation: Experimental Drug Reverses Age-Related Cognitive Decline Within Days

Wow, this could be a serious game-changer...if it works in humans:

"Just a few doses of an experimental drug can reverse age-related declines in memory and mental flexibility in mice, according to a new study by UC San Francisco scientists. The drug, called ISRIB, has already been shown in laboratory studies to restore memory function months after traumatic brain injury (TBI), reverse cognitive impairments in Down Syndrome, prevent noise-related hearing loss, fight certain types of prostate cancer, and even enhance cognition in healthy animals."


Can We Reverse Aging? Scientists Uncover a Key “Zombie Cell” Pathway
