Wednesday, August 28, 2019

These Researchers Want to Run a Cable From the Earth to the Moon

I'm familiar with the space elevator concept and how it wouldn't work for Earth, but this "partial" space elevator system just might work:

Friday, August 23, 2019

Complex Quantum Teleportation Achieved for the First Time

Another advance toward quantum computing:

Bioprinting Complex Living Tissue in Just a Few Seconds

Impressive step forward in creating replacement organs and bones:

An Artificial Intelligence Program Just Beat 5 Poker Professionals in a Texas Hold'em Tournament casino theme, poker game, aces casino

A.I. keeps getting better and better over humans:

AI hubris

A.I. research may be insufficiently diverse in its focus:

Astronomers Create 8 Million Baby Universes Inside a Computer and Watch Them Grow. Here's What They Learned.

Cool experiment:

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The robots are coming — but take a breath

Another person thinking very near term, not keeping in mind that once A.I. supersedes ALL areas of human intelligence, there will likely be no jobs for humans:

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Most Accurate Estimate of Earth-Like Planets Around Sun-Like Stars

"Based on their simulations, the researchers estimate that planets very close to Earth in size, from three-quarters to one-and-a-half times the size of earth, with orbital periods ranging from 237 to 500 days, occur around approximately one in four stars. Importantly, their model quantifies the uncertainty in that estimate. They recommend that future planet-finding missions plan for a true rate that ranges from as low about one planet for every 33 stars to as high as nearly one planet for every two stars."

Friday, August 2, 2019

New Blood Test Could Detect Alzheimer's 20 Years Before Symptoms

This could be critical:

A solar-powered system can turn salt water into fresh drinking water for 25,000 people per day

This is a game-changer:

$500,000 for a solar-powered plant to supply 25,000 people daily with almost 20,000 gallons of fresh water made from seawater. That's just a $20 per person one-time expense. Wait...but that's less than a gallon daily per person. Not enough for Americans, who use an average high of 100 gallons daily. So we would spend $2,500 per person for the same plant. But the plant price is supposed to drop to $100,000, so $500 per American. Not bad.

The 10-Second Algorithm That Could Unlock Fusion Energy