Monday, December 16, 2019

A Former NASA Astronaut Is Building a Plasma-Powered Mars Rocket

Paradox-Free Time Travel Possible With Many Parallel Universes

"“What time travel means here is stepping between those histories — that’s even freakier,” astrophysicist and dark matter expert Geraint Lewis at the University of Sydney, who was not involved in the research, told New Scientist. “At some level it doesn’t even feel like time travel anymore, because what’s the point of going back and killing Hitler if the second world war still plays out in the universe you’re from?”"

Hmm, but what's to stop you from THEN traveling back to your own timeline and changing it? The article isn't very clear about how that works.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Can You Cryogenically Freeze Your Body and Come Back to Life?

The whole point of cryonics is a bet on technologies of the FUTURE, not the past or present, which is why most of this video isn't relevant. But here it is:

Friday, November 8, 2019

Solving a Riddle That Would Provide the World With Entirely Clean, Renewable Energy

The search for a catalyst to split water into hydrogen and oxygen cheaply and efficiently:

New ‘Artificial Leaf’ Converts Harmful Carbon Dioxide Into Fuel

Could be a game changer if it can be scaled up large enough and at a reasonable price:

Important Breakthrough in Perovskite Solar Cells

An upper bound for the background rate of human extinction

If this is accurate, it's pretty scary:

But this section is confusing:

"Using only the information that Homo sapiens has existed at least 200,000 years, we conclude that the probability that humanity goes extinct from natural causes in any given year is almost guaranteed to be less than one in 14,000, and likely to be less than one in 87,000. Using the longer track record of survival for our entire genus Homo produces even tighter bounds, with an annual probability of natural extinction likely below one in 870,000."

Doctors Are Trying to Use CRISPR to Fight Cancer. The 1st Trial Suggests It's Safe.


Wednesday, October 23, 2019

ROBOTICS: Teaming for Future Soldier Combat

According to this, we still have a long way to go to get true general artificial intelligence:

Google Has Achieved 'Quantum Supremacy.' Just What the Heck Is That?

"What makes Google’s accomplishment worthy of the hoopla was, for starters, speed: The Sycamore computer solved the random-number problem in just 200 seconds. Even the most powerful traditional supercomputer would require a somewhat pokier 10,000 years — give or take a century — to achieve the same feat."

Giant Plasma Guns Could Be the Answer to Limitless Fusion Power

Fusion power would be world-changing, making up the difference from solar and wind:

"Game changer" superconductor discovered to power future computers

Paving the way for quantum computers:

Scientists extend mice lifespan 12% by tweaking telomeres

Tweak my telomeres, baby:

Monday, October 21, 2019

Scientists Worried That Human Brains Grown in Lab May Be Sentient

Hmm, problem:

Watch a Real-Life Invisibility Cloak Designed for Military Use

Wow, the invisibility cloak is really here:

Powered by Sunlight, ‘Artificial Leaf’ Successfully Produces Clean Gas From CO2 and Water

A potentially powerful stopgap option:

Breakthrough Flexible, Cuttable Lithium-Ion Battery Won’t Catch Fire – Unbreakable & Incombustible

More energy storage per unit weight is more important, but this is good too:

All Plastic Waste Could Be Recycled Into New, High-Quality Plastic With Advanced New Process

Full recycling of plastic is critical, and it seems to have finally been achieved:

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Monday, October 7, 2019

Toyota Used VR to Teach a Home Helper Robot How to Clean

I've been wondering why there hasn't been much mentioned about using VR (or motion capture suits) to demonstrate to a robot how to carry out the desired tasks, with the motions being automatically converted into the necessary computer code:

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Watch Boston Dynamics’ Humanoid Nail a Tricky Gymnastics Routine

It seems like only a year or two ago Atlas was just walking. My, how fast they grow up:

"First they came for Simone Biles, and I did not speak out because I was not a gymnast...."

Monday, September 23, 2019

Google Says It's Achieved Quantum Supremacy, a World-First

Impressive if true: "the company’s quantum processor can perform a calculation “in three minutes and 20 seconds that would take today’s most advanced classical computer, known as Summit, approximately 10,000 years”":

Monday, September 9, 2019

What did Earth look like ______ years ago?

This is just a very cool way to view the world over the past up to 750 million years, and to see where the place you live used to be:

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

These Researchers Want to Run a Cable From the Earth to the Moon

I'm familiar with the space elevator concept and how it wouldn't work for Earth, but this "partial" space elevator system just might work:

Friday, August 23, 2019

Complex Quantum Teleportation Achieved for the First Time

Another advance toward quantum computing:

Bioprinting Complex Living Tissue in Just a Few Seconds

Impressive step forward in creating replacement organs and bones:

An Artificial Intelligence Program Just Beat 5 Poker Professionals in a Texas Hold'em Tournament casino theme, poker game, aces casino

A.I. keeps getting better and better over humans:

AI hubris

A.I. research may be insufficiently diverse in its focus:

Astronomers Create 8 Million Baby Universes Inside a Computer and Watch Them Grow. Here's What They Learned.

Cool experiment:

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The robots are coming — but take a breath

Another person thinking very near term, not keeping in mind that once A.I. supersedes ALL areas of human intelligence, there will likely be no jobs for humans:

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Most Accurate Estimate of Earth-Like Planets Around Sun-Like Stars

"Based on their simulations, the researchers estimate that planets very close to Earth in size, from three-quarters to one-and-a-half times the size of earth, with orbital periods ranging from 237 to 500 days, occur around approximately one in four stars. Importantly, their model quantifies the uncertainty in that estimate. They recommend that future planet-finding missions plan for a true rate that ranges from as low about one planet for every 33 stars to as high as nearly one planet for every two stars."

Friday, August 2, 2019

New Blood Test Could Detect Alzheimer's 20 Years Before Symptoms

This could be critical:

A solar-powered system can turn salt water into fresh drinking water for 25,000 people per day

This is a game-changer:

$500,000 for a solar-powered plant to supply 25,000 people daily with almost 20,000 gallons of fresh water made from seawater. That's just a $20 per person one-time expense. Wait...but that's less than a gallon daily per person. Not enough for Americans, who use an average high of 100 gallons daily. So we would spend $2,500 per person for the same plant. But the plant price is supposed to drop to $100,000, so $500 per American. Not bad.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

7 new things we’ve learned about the brain

Just some interesting discoveries:

Getting more heat out of sunlight

Another interesting use for aerogel:

It seems to me that if it can easily generate over 200 degree C temperatures, that can be used to generate power with a steam turbine engine. So solar power could provide hot water, home heating and electricity, all without a single solar cell.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Here's how to prove that you are a simulation and nothing is real

The computing power he talks about could be MUCH lower than he estimated, since really only YOU need to be a simulated consciousness. Everyone else could be non-sentient characters that are run only when you encounter them. Other countries and their populations need not be simulated at all if you never go there, and presumably your programmer could interfere with your desire or ability to go there. Suddenly the simulation becomes MUCH simpler:

Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Tangled Web of Turning Spider Silk Into a Super Material

Are we living in a computer simulation? I don’t know. Probably.

A good explanation of the concepts:

NASA 360 Presents - From Science Fiction to Science Fact

The visions of NIAC:

Scientists Say New Quantum Material Could "'Download' Your Brain"

A path to uploading a brain?

Tesla Says Autopilot Is Statistically Safer Than a Human Driver

If so...then the time has come:

Chinese Scientists Gene-Hacked Super Smart Human-Monkey Hybrids

Okay, here we go....

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

NASA's Opportunity Rover Declared Dead After Record-Breaking 15 Years on Mars

R.I.P. Opportunity. That was a long three months:

The Great Myth of the AI Skills Gap

"Our current situation isn’t any different than the past. The nature of technology has always been to create high-skilled jobs and increase worker productivity. This is good news for everyone."

I disagree. This guy is only thinking a few years into the future. But the thing is, A.I. will surely soon be smart enough to do ALL the jobs better than we can.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Stealth Assassins: Could the Air Force Arm F-35s with Laser Weapons?

Demystifying GMOs: New Research Shows Unexpected Changes in Plant DNA

CRISPR likely offers greater precision:

Mysterious Blobs Around M-Dwarf Stars May Be Bad News for Alien Life

Unfortunately, the odds of extraterrestrial life evolving may have gotten a lot smaller:

Artificial Intelligence, China And The U.S. - How The U.S. Is Losing The Technology War

If China's aging population problem doesn't cause them to stumble, we are in trouble:

Fox & Friends host says he hasn’t washed hands in 10 years: ‘Germs are not a real thing — I can’t see them’

Fox taking anti-science to the next level:

U.S. Wind Turbines Are Getting Less Powerful—and That's a Good Thing

What Games Are Humans Still Better at Than AI?

There aren't many left:

Penny-Sized Ionocraft Flies With No Moving Parts

Impressive but inherently small:

Longevity & Vitality Part 3: AI Augments Healthcare and Longevity

Using A.I. to cure ANY disease:

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

AI Will Create Millions More Jobs Than It Will Destroy. Here’s How

The problem I have with this claim is that in each case where automation increases jobs, the automation frees up humans to do what automation can't. But what happens when A.I. becomes vastly smarter than humans in EVERY way? As I see it, any job increases would just go to more A.I.

Can We Reverse Aging? Scientists Uncover a Key “Zombie Cell” Pathway