Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Landmark FDA Approval Brings Powerful Gene Silencing Method to Market

"Earlier this month, the FDA approved an entirely new family of drugs, one so powerful that it could put CRISPR-based gene therapy to shame."


Algorithms Outpace Moore’s Law for AI

"Professor Martin Groetschel observed that a linear programming problem that would take 82 years to solve in 1988 could be solved in one minute in 2003. Hardware accounted for 1,000 times speedup, while algorithmic advance accounted for 43,000 times. Similarly, MIT professor Dimitris Bertsimas showed that the algorithm speedup between 1991 and 2013 for mixed integer solvers was 580,000 times, while the hardware speedup of peak supercomputers increased only a meager 320,000 times."


Could this mean AI may arrive a lot sooner than anticipated?

Machine learning: Japan to boost English teaching in schools with AI robots

$227,000 for a robot to teach English? Um...isn't there a free app for that (#Duolingo)?


Can We Reverse Aging? Scientists Uncover a Key “Zombie Cell” Pathway
