Monday, March 26, 2018

Recording data from one million neurons in real time

"“A considerable benefit of this architecture and data format is that it doesn’t require further translation, as the brain’s [spiking] signals are translated directly into bitcode,” making it available for computer processing and dramatically increasing the processing speed and database storage capacity."

IBM’s New Computer Is the Size of a Grain of Salt and Costs Less Than 10 Cents

"Despite its diminutive size, the company claims the computer has the same amount of power as an x86 chip from 1990."

“Game Changing” Antibiotic is Capable of Killing Superbugs

Another weapon needed as antibiotic resistance spreads:

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Is there anything hackers can't hack? Now there is, thanks to a new way of coding.

This is becoming increasingly vital:

New MIT Device Can Harvest Water From Desert Air

This invention may be coming just in time to allow the survival of hundreds of millions of people living in the increasing desertification caused by climate change:

Scientists Identify The Key Region of ‘Immortality and Aging’ Enzyme

How the Wild New Materials of the Future Will Be Discovered With AI

The Meat Industry Has Some Serious Beef With Those 'Bleeding' Plant-Based Burgers

Of course "big meat" is upset:

But the technology will only get better.

This is the moment when we decide that human lives matter more than cars

From here:

"If an autonomous vehicle is not several magnitudes better than a human driver at detecting a pedestrian and preventing the loss of human life, it cannot be on the road."

I think this is exactly the wrong way to look at the problem. As soon as autonomous vehicles are simply BETTER than human drivers, they SHOULD be on the road.

Monday, March 19, 2018

$10 million XPRIZE Aims for Robot Avatars That Let You See, Hear, and Feel by 2021

Creating the ultimate waldo (remote manipulator):

This Robot is Better at Basketball Than You

Decline in World Fertility Rates Lowers Risks of Mass Starvation

Some good news for those who have been dreading overpopulation:

How Exercising Into Old Age Can Keep Your Immune System Young

How to keep your immune system at the peak it was in your 20s:

Self-Driving Uber Involved In Arizona Pedestrian Death

Damn. Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. But the few exceptions should prove the rule:

Monday, March 5, 2018

Hyperloop and Flying Cars Are Battling It Out for the Future of Transportation

Without nanotech to drive the price of tunneling WAY down, I don't see the hyperloop as happening, but I can see flying cars for certain short hops as being worthwhile very soon. At least I would buy one as a quick way of getting down to the lake and back. :-)

Can We Reverse Aging? Scientists Uncover a Key “Zombie Cell” Pathway