Sunday, October 29, 2017

Scientists break new ground in memory technology

Impressive: "a novel thin, organic film that supports a million more times read-write cycles and consumes 1,000 times less power than commercial flash memories" and "the researchers are also looking at fabricating multi-state memories to produce neuromorphic memory devices (that resemble the brain) for artificial intelligence (AI) applications":

Amazon Is Quietly Building the Robots of Sci-Fi—Piece by Practical Piece

Amazon is uniquely positioned to build the kinds of robots we REALLY want:

The Real Story of Automation Beginning with One Simple Chart

A good look at the statistics behind trends in automation and its effects on economics:

Technology That Sucks CO2 From Ambient Air is Already Used Commercially in Switzerland and Iceland

This needs to scale, but it's a brilliant solution (at least until we have advanced nanotech to do the job even more efficiently and larger scale):

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Daddy's Car: a song composed by Artificial Intelligence - in the style of the Beatles

This is over a year old, but it shows how artificial intelligence can create music:

Not my favorite pieces, but it would not be too out of place on the radio.

The Coming Creativity Explosion Belongs to the Machines

Why should creativity be any different from other forms of intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence Is Our Future. But Will It Save Or Destroy Humanity?

Different views on our future with A.I.:

New Data Shows Progress in Fight Against Climate Change

Total emissions need to go substantially negative, but this is a good sign:

Researchers Develop Regenerative Medicine Breakthrough

Watch the video. This sounds like pure science fiction:

This New 'Perfect' Battery Has Experts Stumped

Could be too good to be true, but...

Intel Jumps Into Brain-Like Computing With New Self-Learning Chip

"Once complete, it will feature 130,000 neurons and 130 million synaptic connections split between 128 computing cores. The device will be 1,000 times more energy-efficient than standard approaches, according to Mayberry, but more impressive are claims the chip will be capable of continuous learning."

Can We Reverse Aging? Scientists Uncover a Key “Zombie Cell” Pathway