Monday, June 27, 2016

Powerful nanoengine built from coated nanoparticles

"The forces exerted by these tiny devices are several orders of magnitude larger than those for any other previously produced device, with a force per unit weight nearly a hundred times better than any motor or muscle. According to the researchers, the devices are also bio-compatible, cost-effective to manufacture, fast to respond, and energy efficient."


Introducing Boston Dynamics' SpotMini Robot

I want one as a pet! Although it still has the creep factor in spades, especially with the "hand":

Watch to the very end. Amusing.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

New 'Artificial Synapses' Could Let Supercomputers Mimic the Human Brain

Samsung’s new solid-state drive hits 1TB mark, ships out next week

Elon Musk Is Wrong. We Aren't Living in a Simulation

A long and annoying article against the possibility that we live in a simulation:

His argument is mostly semantics. Sure, even a simulation is made of matter/energy, but when we talk about a simulation we're talking about a software-driven representation of the "real" world. And we're not talking about a virtual reality-type simulation (which would be on the path but not the end goal), where a virtual apple can't nourish a real person, but a software simulation of a human mind on a computer in a software world where virtual apples can have actual taste and nourishment to virtual beings. And there only needs to be ONE person simulated (YOU!) and only a small part of the world simulated (the places you actually visit); all the rest can be nothing more than AI beings that SEEM human (everyone you interact with) and distant places (like the moon and stars) with limited rendering (a star only needs to be a dot in the sky, not an actual sun). Even places you've visited in the past wouldn't necessarily have to have ever been simulated...just applied to your mind as a memory.

Ultra-flexible solar cells thin enough to wrap around a glass stirring rod

1/17 the thickness of a human hair!

China’s Sunway TaihuLight tops world supercomputer ratings

I'm not a fan of China, but...

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Former NASA chief unveils $100 million neural chip maker KnuEdge

Google and Amazon are slowly killing the gadget as we know it

Why Corporate America's Love of Renewable Energy Should Terrify Traditional Utilities

3 Reasons To Believe The Singularity Is Near

Are Soldiers Getting Too Emotionally Attached to War Robots?

I guarantee it'll happen to anthropomorphic robots:

Norway to 'completely ban petrol powered cars by 2025'

What I Learned Installing Solar Panels

Can one company account for more than half of a country’s CO2 reduction?

This is one dong that isn't screwing the environment as much...

Renewable Energy Is Now Inevitable, Energy Secretary Says, Citing Price

Tesla Executive Implies Battery and Autonomous Driving Breakthroughs

Storage sunrise: Solar battery makers eye take-off as prices fall

"Australian energy retailer AGL expects costs to fall by 60 per cent over the next five years as materials performance and chemical technology improve."

New Process Efficiently Uses Solar to Produce Hydrogen

Can We Reverse Aging? Scientists Uncover a Key “Zombie Cell” Pathway