Friday, May 27, 2016

Your brain is not a computer

Our model of the brain as a computer may be fundamentally flawed:

However, weather patterns follow dynamic rules that aren't like how computers think, yet we can model them quite well. So why wouldn't it be possible to model how brains work on computers, even if brains don't work like computers?

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Robots learn to cut through clutter

"The robot’s wrist has a 270-degree range, which led to behaviors we didn’t expect. Sometimes, we’re blinded by our own anthropomorphism."

Language in Ohio bill would ‘basically shut down’ solar

May 23, 2016 Discovery of new catalyst materials for lithium-air batteries could enable batteries with five times the energy density of lithium ion batteries

"But he said it could take five to 10 years before the research translates into new batteries that can be used in consumer devices and electric vehicles." Bugger!

Self-driving cars? Nobody wants one

I'm willing to bet that'll change as people experience the advantages.

Nanomaterials could double efficiency of solar cells by converting waste heat into usable energy

This could reduce (or even eliminate?) the need for batteries to store excess solar production:

Inside the Artificial Intelligence Revolution: A Special Report

Long but definitely interesting:

Part 1:

Part 2:

A Huge Solar Plant Caught on Fire, and That’s the Least of Its Problems

100% Clean Energy Economy Is Much Closer Than You Think

Faced by Falling Oil Prices and Plunging Profits, Big Oil Invests in Renewables

I like that they're essentially being forced to do this in order to survive.

Walt Disney Co Sets Its Sights on Lightning-Fast 3D Printing

Friday, May 20, 2016

10 million self-driving cars will be on the road by 2020

Portugal Sets Record, Runs on Renewables for 107-Hours Straight

Thanks to push away from coal, power plant emissions fall to lowest level since 1993

Rooftop Solar Transformation Could Hurt SolarCity and Sunrun

HIV Genes Have Been Cut Out of Live Animals Using CRISPR

Massive potential here....

Albuquerque weighs getting more solar power

Using animal training techniques to teach robots household chores

I think this would drastically open the field for robotic deep learning:

5 ways the Hyperloop will change how you live

Newly Developed ‘Rochester Cloak’ Enhances Cloaking Abilities

Still not "there," but interesting anyway:

Friday, May 13, 2016

Artificially Intelligent Lawyer “Ross” Has Been Hired By Its First Official Law Firm

Yay! Can we drown all the lawyers now? ;-)

We Can Stop Searching For The Clean Energy Miracle. It’s Already Here.

One snag I see for using electric car batteries to store excess home solar power is that one typically needs to use stored power in the evening when the sun is down, and one typically needs to commute to work first thing in the morning...which means you would be driving on a depleted charge (by how much, I don't know). Worse, your car would be away from home all day, meaning it couldn't capture the unused solar power your home generates all day. A solar charger at work would help...but it still wouldn't help you store the solar power your home generates. That'll need addressing....

A robot with human-like grace and precision

I'm thinking the first android home robots will not be as clunky as people imagine.

This five-fingered robot hand is close to human in functionality

Monday, May 2, 2016

Scientists turn skin cells into heart and brain cells using only drugs — no stem cells required

Deep neural networks that identify shapes nearly as well as humans

Doctor ready to perform first human head transplant

If this works, it'll be amazing. I imagine Stephen Hawking might be very interested indeed:

California Has Too Much Solar Power -- And That's a Good Thing

It Doesn’t Matter How Much You Exercise If You Sit A Lot

More reasons to move your ass:

93 percent of advanced leukemia patients in remission after immunotherapy

Rather stunning news:

Scientists discover potentially habitable planets

They're likely tidelocked, which may well mean all water eventually ends up on the dark side and leaves the planets poorly suited to life...but who knows?

Can We Reverse Aging? Scientists Uncover a Key “Zombie Cell” Pathway