Monday, December 7, 2015

Google and Facebook Race to Solve the Ancient Game of Go With AI

Record battery energy density achievement compared with gasoline

It's catching up fast...and don't forget the factor of greater simplicity and lower weight of electric engines.

Electric planes aim to soar high for cleaner aviation sector

"The plane covered 650 kilometres (400 miles) in the space of two hours with an average speed of 172 kilometres per hour. "The car industry, with all the money it has at its disposal, and practically no weight limitation, even today isn't capable of producing an electric car that would take four passengers for 600 kilometres at a speed of 200 kilometres per hour," Pipistrel's founder, Ivo Boscarol told AFP."

Wood nanobattery could be green option for large-scale energy storage

"Water-in-salt" battery bodes well for greener, safer grid storage

Can We Reverse Aging? Scientists Uncover a Key “Zombie Cell” Pathway