Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Robotics Update

The Cylon robots of SyFy TV series "Caprica" are actually not that far away:

Artificial Intelligence Update

Ten-year "Bluebrain Project" launches to develop a working brain model by 2020:

Nanotechnology Update

House representative introduces the Nanotechnology Education Act to ensure secondary and higher education are better able to prepare students for fields related to nanotechnology:

Alternative Energies Update

Within a few months, DARPA's research will succeed in making jet fuel from algae for the same cost as fossil fuels, and (almost) carbon neutral:

Alternative Energies Update

New materials harvests energy from everyday motions to power small devices:

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Artificial Intelligence Update

Various experts weigh in on the prospectives of when to expect the arrival of artificial general intelligence (AGI):

Most believe it'll occur in the 2020s...or 100+ years from now (or never). I suspect those in the latter category are not taking the Law of Accelerating Returns into account.

Computing Update

Google hopes to have real-time voice recognition and synthetic translation into other languages within a couple years:

Computing Update

Successful manipulation of individual photons signifies major milestone passed in the development of quantum computers:

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Technology Update

This isn't exactly related to nanotech or the singularity, but it's highly cool nevertheless:

Physicists have discovered how to teleport energy using quantum entanglement:

The potential for this is the development of instantaneous communications over vast (even interstellar) distances, bypassing the limitation of the speed of light.

Technology Update

This isn't really specific to nanotech or the singularity, but it's highly cool nevertheless:

Robotics Update

Next robot car race up Pikes Peak will go from the previously sedate 25 mph speeds up to speeds faster than humans would risk, using differential GPS to maintain positional accuracy within 2 cm:

Robotics Update

6-legged robot uses a digital circuit that mimics insect brain cells to control movement:

Monday, February 1, 2010

Computing Update

The US Air Force will be hooking together thousands of PS3 gaming computers to create a highly efficient supercomputer to study how human brains process information:

Robotics Update

Robots use predator-prey evolutionary principles to improve their skills:

Alternative Energies Update

Recent advances in both laser and magnetic research bring nuclear fusion energy generation closer to reality:

In the next year or two, fusion ignition should finally be reached, after 50 years of research:

But practical fusion power is still a ways off....

Can We Reverse Aging? Scientists Uncover a Key “Zombie Cell” Pathway