Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Computing Update

As we approach the 2D limits of Moore's Law, a new technique allows the continuation of smaller circuits by building in three dimensions:


Robotics Update

South Korean researchers have developed a robot that can perform several household tasks, like cleaning, loading clothes in a washer and microwaving food:


It's still a few years from mass production...but we're not too far off.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Transportation Update

DARPA is developing a flying car for troop transport, as well as a submersible aircraft:


Singularity Update

This is a longer interview with Ray Kurzweil about reverse engineering the human brain, and other topics:


I'm surprised at how he's made independent observations that parallel my own (such as the problem with most science fiction movies, and that happiness is not the ultimate utopian goal of humanity).

Interesting note: he says we are basically 16 years away (assuming the steady advances in solar tech we've had for the past 20 years continue) from solar power being able to provide 100% of our energy needs.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Nanotechnology Update

How close are we to "real" nanotechnology? This article describes the concepts, with several of the biggest names in the field weighing in:


Bottom line? 20-30 years from now.

Artificial Intelligence Update

A new $5 million, 5-year project to develop artificial intelligence takes a different approach:


Can We Reverse Aging? Scientists Uncover a Key “Zombie Cell” Pathway
