Thursday, December 31, 2009

Robotics Update

Areas of robotics advancement during 2009:

Alternative Energies Update

Energy tech innovations over 2009:

Cybernetics Update

Machine translates thoughts into actual speech in real time:

Technology Update

A new book on DARPA's work discusses its future objectives:

Technology Update

A list of the 100 best innovations in 2009:

Robotics Update

Videos of the robots of 2009 in action:

Some of these robots are quite impressive!

Alternative Energies Update

Theoretical digital quantum battery could very soon increase power density (the speed at which energy can be stored or released) by orders of magnitude, and the energy density (the amount of energy that can be stored) by two to ten times compared with today's best lithium-ion and other battery technologies:

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Alternative Energies Update

The use of "hot electrons" allows the theoretical maximum conversion of solar energy to electricity to be raised from 35% to 67% (by using the energy normally lost to heat):

Computing Update

Complex integrated circuits successfully constructed from carbon nanotubes will take 10+ years to fully develop, but they will be five times faster than equivalent silicon circuits, scale better, and dissipate heat better:

Robotics Update

For $225,000 you can buy a robot that looks just like you, can talk, and can move its upper body:

Predictions Update

A Ray Kurzweil article describing his predictions for the upcoming decade (and beyond):

"Specifically what can we expect? Solar power on steroids, longer lives, the chance to get rid of obesity once and for all, and portable computing devices that start becoming part of your body rather than being held in your hand."

Artificial Intelligence Update

A new approach to artificial intelligence allows computers to infer meaning through input from multiple sensors, greatly enhancing their ability to make educated inferences about their environment:,-the-robot-with-brains-not-brawn.aspx

Robotics Update

Collision avoidance capabilites added to robots allow them to be both fast and safe:

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Cybernetics Update

The newly developed biometric hand can be controlled by an amputee's thoughts:

Nanotechnology Update

Researchers have discovered a way to make the atoms and molecules of peptides "grow" to resemble small forests of grass, which can repel dust and water and thus act as a perfect self-cleaning coating for windows or solar panels which (when dirty, become far less efficient):

Artificial Intelligence Update

Advances in reverse-engineering the brain:

"Supercomputer technology appears to be advancing exponentially in accordance with Kurzweil’s “Law of Accelerating Returns.”"

Alternative Energies Update

A great way to store energy generated by windmills during off-peak hours: turn it into ice:

Robotics Update

Artificial skin embedded with optical sensors could help robots develop a more human touch:

Alternative Energies Update

New tandem dye-sensitised solar cells with a three-fold increase in energy conversion efficiency (compared with previously reported tandem dye-sensitised solar cells) have been developed:

Robotics Update

A variety of robots displayed at the International Robot Exhibition in Japan:

Medicine Update

Atmospheric plasmas can easily kill viruses, bacteria and fungi--even superbugs:

Alternative Energies Update

New self-assembling, spherical solar cells are capable of capturing more sunlight than flat ones:

Cybernetics Update

By 2020 we may be controlling our computers through chips implanted in our brains:

Robotics Update

Various types of robots increasingly being developed for and used in surgery:

Can We Reverse Aging? Scientists Uncover a Key “Zombie Cell” Pathway