Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Artificial Intelligence Update

A Blue Gene supercomputer simulation exceeds the scale of a cat's cortex:


This is disputed by a rival trying to also reverse-engineer the human brain:


Artificial Intelligence Update

It may be possible to generate consciousness with as few as a few thousand nerve cells:


Computing Update

The DoE is working to develop a supercomputer 1,000 times more powerful than today's speed leader (Jaguar, at 2.3 petaflops) by 2018:


Alternative Energies Update

Batteries that harness the decay of radioactive isotopes to produce a low-powered electric current (betavoltaics) promise a 25-year lifespan:


Monday, November 16, 2009

Nanotechnology Update

Researchers have combined the self-assembly ability of DNA with the electronic abilities of carbon nanotubes, suggesting a way to develop self-assembling nanoscale circuits:


Monday, November 9, 2009

Cybernetics Update

New implantable sensor can be powered by a wireless source up to a meter away:


Cybernetics Update

Musings on the rapidly arriving enhancements to the human species:


Cybernetics Update

An update on the SmartHand bionic hand, which is capable of transmitting feeling:


Nanotechnology Update

Carbon nanotubes, which have so many powerful and unique qualities, can now be processed in bulk for industrial purposes:


Alternative Energies Update

Japan plans to build a space-based solar power station to beam energy down to Earth by 2030:


Transportation Update

Another milestone in the development of a space elevator is reached as a company wins the $900,000 prize for completing a laser-powered climber:


Can We Reverse Aging? Scientists Uncover a Key “Zombie Cell” Pathway
