More nanotechnology developments in 2008:
Technology is advancing at an exponential rate often called the "Law of Accelerating Returns." If futurist predictions prove correct, we'll have advanced molecular manufacturing by around 2025, and possibly the replacement of humanity by vastly advanced machines a decade or two later.
This is a chronicle of our journey to that future, one advancing technology article at a time. I post the more significant and interesting articles as I come across them.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Alternative Energies Update
An effective biofuel developed for jet engines:
Computing Update
Researchers working on atomic-scale computing have managed to design a simple logic gate with 30 atoms that perform the same task as 14 transistors:
Transportation Update
FINALLY, scientists have developed a turbo encabulator to solve the problem of inverse reactive current per use in unilateral phase detractors and synchronizing cardinal grammeters in vehicle transmissions:
(C'mon, gotta have a little levity now and then....)
(C'mon, gotta have a little levity now and then....)
Alternative Energies Update
Solar energy finally reaches "grid parity" (equal or cheaper cost than coal-based energy)...depending on how you calculate it:
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Nanotechnology Update
Researchers design and build a fully functional nanocar, which is four nanometers across and includes a chassis with an engine, a pivoting suspension and rotating axles attached to rolling buckyball wheels:
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Predictions Update
Here's a long, old but well-written article on the path to the singularity, using references to science fiction throughout the ages:
Notable quote:
"If we assume that self-programming ability follows processing power, very soon after the point that computers of human brainpower are mass-production items, we may expect that computers will attain the total information processing power of all human minds on the planet. They will have long since become the experts in the design of more complex computers, just as they are today the reigning experts at chess strategy. At some point not long after that, computers will recapitulate human history, human culture, and human thought. They will then teach each other everything we humans know in a matter of years (months? days? hours?), and then move on. The whole thing will happen in a flash, and if it happens at all, will certainly happen long before we’re really ready for it. The "flash" seems inevitable before the end of this century, and seems quite probable (given even modest extrapolation) before the middle of it. And, of course, we’ll be unable to stop it, anymore than we can stop anything on the Internet. Before we know it, it will be done."
Notable quote:
"If we assume that self-programming ability follows processing power, very soon after the point that computers of human brainpower are mass-production items, we may expect that computers will attain the total information processing power of all human minds on the planet. They will have long since become the experts in the design of more complex computers, just as they are today the reigning experts at chess strategy. At some point not long after that, computers will recapitulate human history, human culture, and human thought. They will then teach each other everything we humans know in a matter of years (months? days? hours?), and then move on. The whole thing will happen in a flash, and if it happens at all, will certainly happen long before we’re really ready for it. The "flash" seems inevitable before the end of this century, and seems quite probable (given even modest extrapolation) before the middle of it. And, of course, we’ll be unable to stop it, anymore than we can stop anything on the Internet. Before we know it, it will be done."
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Computing Update
Researchers create graphene-based memory that can potentially store many times the memory of current flash memory, and is far more resistant to heat:
Genetic Engineering Update
Researchers engineer bacteria beyond the limits of nature to create higher-density biofuels:
Artificial Intelligence Update
Researchers are working to build a machine that can learn from experience:
Friday, December 19, 2008
Predictions Update
A list of upcoming inventions, from HUD contact lenses to bionic limbs. Also mentioned is uploading human minds to computers, allowing us to become truly immortal:
Friday, December 12, 2008
Transportation Update
And now electric vehicle technology has extended to the airplane. Here is a modified glider that not only can go 70 mph for 90 minutes for a total recharge cost of 70 CENTS, but when parked the propeller acts as a windmill to recharge the battery!
Transportation Update
For electric vehicle fans, here's a race between the Tango and the Tesla Roadster:
Electric vehicles and their immediate full torque can give them performance to put IC engines to shame.
Electric vehicles and their immediate full torque can give them performance to put IC engines to shame.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Robotics Update
Medical robot likely to see battlefield use within a year:
It's more like telepresence than it is a robot, but it's a significant step.
It's more like telepresence than it is a robot, but it's a significant step.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Alternative Energies Update
New thin film solar cells are 15% more efficient and use hundreds of times less material than conventional solar cells:
Computing Update
First superconducting transistor promises PC revolution:
Alternative Energies Update
Nanoporous silicon allows the creation of lithium batteries that can hold at least double the charge:
Alternative Energies Update
Nanoporous silicon allows the creation of lithium batteries that can hold at least double
Monday, December 1, 2008
Alternative Energies Update
New wind power system borrows technology from jet engines to potentially decrease the cost of wind power by half:
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