True nanotechnology requires the precise arrangement of molecules. A research team at the University of St Andrews has developed a way of forming an easily modified network of molecules over a large area:
Technology is advancing at an exponential rate often called the "Law of Accelerating Returns." If futurist predictions prove correct, we'll have advanced molecular manufacturing by around 2025, and possibly the replacement of humanity by vastly advanced machines a decade or two later.
This is a chronicle of our journey to that future, one advancing technology article at a time. I post the more significant and interesting articles as I come across them.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Alternative Energies Update
Windmills only generate energy when the wind blows. Here's a way to store the wind to use when it doesn't want to blow:
Nanotechnology Update
For those who think nanotech is an over-hyped concept that won't really change the world, this Lux Research report says nanotechnology will impact over $3 trillion of manufactured goods by 2015:
Alternative Energies Update
Using residual heat from sun-baked asphalt to provide energy after hours:
Singularity Update
Intel believes we're on track for achieving the Singularity, and that machines that morph into different shapes are just a few years away:
(Watch the video at the bottom.)
And here's Singularity Hub's reaction to the announcements:
(Watch the video at the bottom.)
And here's Singularity Hub's reaction to the announcements:
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Alternative Energies Update
Could this technique to power devices remotely be used to power nanomachines working inside a human body?
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Alternative Energies Update
Not sure it's good news to make gasoline cheap again, but scientists have created a technique to make gasoline directly out of biomass:
The fuel would cost between $1.70 and $2.00 per gallon (excluding all government subsidies and tax credits) and could be made available by 2010.
The fuel would cost between $1.70 and $2.00 per gallon (excluding all government subsidies and tax credits) and could be made available by 2010.
Energy Storage Update
A genetically engineered virus used to create tiny batteries:
Virtual Reality Update
A new modeling technology allows the creation of computer generated characters that are so lifelike they are almost indistinguishable from real:
Be sure to view the video!
Once truly practical virtual reality and artificial intelligence arrive, we won't be able to tell the difference between virtual and real people.
Be sure to view the video!
Once truly practical virtual reality and artificial intelligence arrive, we won't be able to tell the difference between virtual and real people.
Alternative Energies Update
A plan to feed algae carbon dioxide and sewage to drastically increase their oil production:
Clean up the environment while generating biofuels!
Clean up the environment while generating biofuels!
Alternative Energies Update
Scientists mimic the process plants use to split water into oxygen and hydrogen using only sunlight:
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Materials Update
A company has figured out how to have plants actually grow plastic inside them, eliminating the need for petroleum:
"The advantage here over other bioplastics is that all of the chemical processes occur within the plant. There is no need for polymerization or complex chemistry after harvesting. Just cut the grass, get rid of the plant matter, and you've got plastic."
"The advantage here over other bioplastics is that all of the chemical processes occur within the plant. There is no need for polymerization or complex chemistry after harvesting. Just cut the grass, get rid of the plant matter, and you've got plastic."
Friday, August 15, 2008
Computing Update
Quantum entanglement may allow for communication 10,000 times faster than the speed of light! Well, perhaps....
Computing Update
New RAM is more efficient and ten times faster than current RAM:
Cybernetics Update
US Army researching telepathy through translating active EEG scans of thought. Very cool!
Materials Update
This new, nanotech-based material should allow for easy, cheap purification of any water:
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Robotics Update
One key to effective robot motion is too let them learn for themselves what works and what doesn't, and adapt to their environments:
Materials Update
Making nearly anything out of diamond cheaply and with perfect precision is a Holy Grail of nanotechnology, since it will allow us to build those nano-scale machines that will transform the world. Hopefully, a $3 million grant will help usher that in:
Robotics Update
A new hexapod robot can climb stairs, crouch under small spaces...and dance:
(Be sure to watch the video.)
(Be sure to watch the video.)
Alternative Energies Update
First Solar could reach "grid parity"--the Holy Grail of solar power--in 2-4 years:
Monday, August 11, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Alternative Energies Update
Kite technology could end up generating more energy than wind turbines and for half the cost:
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Computing Update
A new hologram-based computer interface taken directly from the film Minority Report:
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Alternative Energies Update
EEStor's promises their highly efficient, ultracapacitor-based battery will revolutionize the industry:
Monday, August 4, 2008
Now that I've gotten my pile of backlogged technology articles posted, I figure I should give a little more information on the topic of this blog.
For anyone interested in seeing where technology may ultimately lead, I recommend reading K. Eric Drexler's "Engines of Creation" and "Unbounding the Future," as well as Ray Kurzweil's "The Age of Intelligent Machines," "The Age of Spiritual Machines" (my favorite), and "The Singularity is Near." Both these writers have an impressive track record on technological prognostication.
Basically, they point to the double exponential growth of various technological benchmarks and extrapolate on where they may lead over the next couple of decades. These include reverse engineering the human brain (which should allow the creation of true artificial intelligence), achieving mature nanotechnology (which should allow us to create almost any material objects for very little cost), and eventually reaching the Singularity (when computers and robotics far exceeding human capabilities in all areas, leading to a technological and sociological change so drastic we cannot predict the outcome in any meaningful way). Eventually, we may need to either become our machines or be left in their technological dust.
We've already hit a number of the predicted milestones, so I'm inclined to believe the projections stand a reasonable chance of coming true. At the very least, the next couple of decades should prove very interesting. Most of us should still be alive to witness what happpens, so keep your eyes open and brace yourselves....
For anyone interested in seeing where technology may ultimately lead, I recommend reading K. Eric Drexler's "Engines of Creation" and "Unbounding the Future," as well as Ray Kurzweil's "The Age of Intelligent Machines," "The Age of Spiritual Machines" (my favorite), and "The Singularity is Near." Both these writers have an impressive track record on technological prognostication.
Basically, they point to the double exponential growth of various technological benchmarks and extrapolate on where they may lead over the next couple of decades. These include reverse engineering the human brain (which should allow the creation of true artificial intelligence), achieving mature nanotechnology (which should allow us to create almost any material objects for very little cost), and eventually reaching the Singularity (when computers and robotics far exceeding human capabilities in all areas, leading to a technological and sociological change so drastic we cannot predict the outcome in any meaningful way). Eventually, we may need to either become our machines or be left in their technological dust.
We've already hit a number of the predicted milestones, so I'm inclined to believe the projections stand a reasonable chance of coming true. At the very least, the next couple of decades should prove very interesting. Most of us should still be alive to witness what happpens, so keep your eyes open and brace yourselves....
Alternative Energies Update
This new technology uses solar power to extract hydrogen from water cheaply and easily:
"For solar power, Meyer says, 'this is probably the most important single discovery of the century.'" (Actually, I think of this more as a hydrogen power breakthrough than solar power breakthrough, but...)
Very promising!
"For solar power, Meyer says, 'this is probably the most important single discovery of the century.'" (Actually, I think of this more as a hydrogen power breakthrough than solar power breakthrough, but...)
Very promising!
Nanotechnology Update
This isn't actually nanotech, but it's today's crude ability that gives a hint what real nanotech home factories will be capable of doing:
Just instead of relatively simple polymer objects, you could construct pretty much ANY object you might want, from a laptop computer to a robot to a vehicle (in manageable pieces, of course).
Just instead of relatively simple polymer objects, you could construct pretty much ANY object you might want, from a laptop computer to a robot to a vehicle (in manageable pieces, of course).
Internet Update
Rebuilding the Internet from scratch, for very little scratch, really:
Fast enough to stream 30 high quality movies simultaneously? Nice.
Fast enough to stream 30 high quality movies simultaneously? Nice.
Transportation Update
Been waiting for your personal jet pack? It's here:
Well...still needs testing, but it's taken jet packs from 30 second to 30 minute flight times!
Well...still needs testing, but it's taken jet packs from 30 second to 30 minute flight times!
Robotics Update
The one thing robot lovers/companions aren't supposed to be able to do better than humans is reproduce...but now even that's likely untrue:
Alternative Energies Update
An interesting combination of a fuel cell and a battery offers much better fuel density than even gasoline:
Alternative Energies Update
Concentrated sunlight reaching temperatures as high as the sun's:
Transportation Update
GE is partnering with utilities companies to outfit homes with "smart meters" to deliver electricity to recharge electric cars and plug-in hybrids during off-peak hours even if they're plugged in during peak times (thus causing the existing infrastructure to handle the anticipated load):
They're also going to create outlets connected to many streetlight poles to make access to electricity for charging vehicles easy and ubiquitous.
They're also going to create outlets connected to many streetlight poles to make access to electricity for charging vehicles easy and ubiquitous.
Cybernetics Update
ReWalk allows paraplegics to walk slowly but quite well with crutches:
Beats a wheelchair.
Beats a wheelchair.
Materials Update
To give you an idea of how strong nanomaterials are:
"A cable only 1 centimetre in diameter weighing a mere 10 milligrams per kilometre" would be strong enough to support a human.
"A cable only 1 centimetre in diameter weighing a mere 10 milligrams per kilometre" would be strong enough to support a human.
Alternative Energies Update
Now sawdust and other lignin may be converted into biofuels, taking the pressure off food stocks:
Alternative Energies Update
A new and efficient form of generating electricity from wave power:
Artificial Intelligence Update
Language barriers are falling and will soon no longer be an obstacle to communication:
Materials Update
Perfect graphene would be strong enough that a sheet of it would be able to withstand the weight of a car concentrated on a sharp point:
The concern about imperfect graphene sheets at macro scales shouldn't be a problem with mature nanotech manufacturing.
The concern about imperfect graphene sheets at macro scales shouldn't be a problem with mature nanotech manufacturing.
Robotics Update
Robots are now learning to recognize human emotions:
Alternative Energies Update
Dye absorbs and redirects sunlight to photo-sensitive cells:
Robotics Update
A functional household assistant robot:
Materials Update
Carbon nanotubes may be used to create artificial photosynthesis:
Artificial Intelligence Update
"First, a supercomputer beats a chess master. Then, an artificial intelligence program deals defeat to a poker champion. Next: A robot takes on humans in air hockey."
Sensor Update
This microchip is so small and low-powered that would be the size of a grain of sand and have enough power to last 10 years:
Cybernetics Update
A list of the advances in bionics:
One short-sighted statement, though (especially considering we have already reproduced a few dozen regions of the brain on computers):
"The brain's complexity makes it doubtful we will ever recreate it. But some of its functions, and those of other parts of the nervous system can already be replaced by electronics."
I wouldn't want to bet against our ever recreating it; in fact, I'd bet real money we'll recreate a human brain by 2030, perhaps even 2025.
One short-sighted statement, though (especially considering we have already reproduced a few dozen regions of the brain on computers):
"The brain's complexity makes it doubtful we will ever recreate it. But some of its functions, and those of other parts of the nervous system can already be replaced by electronics."
I wouldn't want to bet against our ever recreating it; in fact, I'd bet real money we'll recreate a human brain by 2030, perhaps even 2025.
Cybernetics Update
The technology to essentially read "worded" thoughts is achieving some success:
Computing Update
Moore's Law (the basis for the Law of Accelerating Returns) is still going strong, as Intel maps out the path to sub-10 nm-scale chips:
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The 10-Second Algorithm That Could Unlock Fusion Energy
"An experimental demonstration of a quantum calculation has shown that a single molecule can perform operations thousands of times fast...