Saturday, October 12, 2024

Recent Alzheimer’s studies

Restoring hippocampal glucose metabolism rescues cognition across Alzheimer’s disease pathologies:

APOE-Genotype and Insulin Modulate Estimated Effect of Dietary Macronutrients on Cognitive Performance: Panel Analyses in Nondiabetic Older Adults at Risk of Dementia:

Precision Nutrition for Alzheimer's Prevention in ApoE4 Carriers:

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Sam Altman Teases Orion (GPT-5) 🍓 o1 tests at 120 IQ 🍓 1 year of PHD work done in 1 hour...

This is stunning: It appears AI took an hour to write a program based on a scientific paper that took the PhD author a year to do the same thing!

Revolutionary Catalyst Uses Sunlight To Turn Greenhouse Gases Into Valuable Chemicals

Harnessing the Helix: First-of-Its-Kind “Springy” Chiral Interface Boosts Solar Cell Efficiency

Goodbye Traditional Farming? German Scientists Harvest Protein From Air and Water

Unlocking AI’s Future With a New Molecular Computing Breakthrough

Monday, September 2, 2024

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Fish oil supplements on heart and brain

An analysis of the studies on the risks and benefits of fish oil supplements:


Heart health:

The latter suggests 840 mg daily has no contraindications.

Reversing Alzheimer's: New Research Improves Cognition & Protects Brain Health | Dr.Heather Sandison

My woo meter is twitching, but this sounds encouraging:

Artificial Intelligence Predicts Earthquakes With Unprecedented Accuracy

This line woke me up:

Developed by researchers at The University of Texas at Austin, the AI algorithm correctly predicted 70% of earthquakes a week before they happened

Revolutionizing Lens Design: AI Cuts Months of Work Down to a Single Day

The topic isn’t interesting, but it’s an example of how AI is accelerating technological development:

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Juicier, Glossier, Better: Superior Strawberries Unlocked Through Genetics

But it’s the FLAVOR that matters most, you numbskulls!

Low Testosterone in Men Linked to Increased Risk for Death

The data showed that only men with low total testosterone concentrations had higher risks for all-cause mortality. A key finding was that men with a testosterone concentration below 7.4 nmol/L (<213 ng/dL) had a higher risk for all-cause mortality, regardless of LH concentration. Men with a testosterone concentration below 5.3 nmol/L (<153 mg/dL) had an increased risk of cardiovascular death.

Friday, August 9, 2024

New Study Reveals Why Alzheimer’s Hits Women Harder